Grant Title: Northern California Pharmacists Care Services Collaborative
Grants Awarded Number
Grant Complete, 2012
University of California San Francisco School of P
San Francisco, California
Grant Category
Medication Management, Safety & Quality
Pharmacy Services
Grant Docs
Our primary objective is: to demonstrate the clinical and cost effectiveness of community pharmacist care in the store setting to the third largest purchaser of health care in the U.S., the California Public Employees Retirement System CalPERS and the states largest health insurer, Blue Shield of CA. Our secondary objective is to lay the groundwork to serve the entire state of California and exapnd the pharrmacists patient caredisease management services. Brief Background: This collaborative has been 30 months in development. BlueShield of CA will administer the pilot program on diabetes care management for 250 CalPERS membes-- initially 50 Raleys pharmacists already certified in diabetes management will deliver the service with Raleys underwriting the pharmacists time for the pilot. Additional pharmacies will be added as the pilot expands. UCSF School of Pharmacy has designed the study, given Blue Shield the protocols and procedures and will provide the study oversight. This collaboration includes CalPERS, Blue ShieldCA, UCSF School of Pharmacy, the Pharmacy Foundation of CA , Raleys and has received initial funding from the NACDS Fdn, GSK, Sanofi-Aventis and AmerisourceBergen.
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