Grant Title: Integration and Analysis of a Multifaceted Medication and Health Management Information System
Grants Awarded Number
Grant Complete, 2012
West Virginia University School of Pharmacy
Morgantown, West Virginia
Grant Category
Pharmacy Management & Ownership
Health Informatics
Grant Docs
This project is an extension of a two-year medication management and health information program currently funded by St. Clair County, Michigan. The medication & health program, offered by pharmacists to the approximately 3500 employees, dependents, and retirees of St. Clair County regardless of their current area of residence, includes a variety of web-based and in-person services such as comprehensive therapy reviews, health screenings, and patient education and counseling. This project extension is intended to ensure that services reach as many of the 3500 eligible individuals as possible, as well as enable the project to be later expanded to other populations, through the following objectives: 1 Further develop and integrate the web-based portal into the program as a means to improve patient access and use of both the web-based and in-person services e.g., web site service information and pharmacist referral system, optimizing e-mail communications, 2 Develop instruments and tools to be available through web site to evaluate the effectiveness, value, and use of the services provided and ways in which they could be enhanced, and 3 Advertise the web site portal and available patient care services e.g., through user kits, including brochures, handouts, posters-- newspaper and radio ads.
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