Grant Title: Establish a business model for Medication Therapy Management (MTM) and Patient Education (PE)
Grants Awarded Number
Grant Complete, 2010
Walgreens, Memphis, TN
Memphis, Tennessee
Grant Category
Medication Management, Safety & Quality
MTM Services
Grant Docs
Report | CPF Synopsis | Article
Am J Pharm Benefits

Our preliminary data on diabetes disease management in compromised socioeconomic patients showed a profound impact that retail clinical pharmacist can play in patients who participate in the PE program.Two clinically trained pharmacists will establish the MTM and PE business model in Walgreens Patient care Center in Memphis, Tennessee. They will provide a series of live continuing education CE and case studies on updated medical therapy of different disease states. Case studies of miss-management diseases will be collected from Walgreenss pharmacists and physicians in the current diabetes management programs in Shelby county out-patient clinics. The two clinically-trained pharmacists will examine these cases, utilizing the literature, up-dated recommendations and guidelines for disease management. A proposed assessment plan will be presented to patients and their physicians in order to design a proper action plan, Follow-up and outcome measures to be documented and presented to pharmacists in corresponding CE courses as both training and a teaching guide in MTM and PE. Outcome results will be presented in a marketing format to health insurance companies as a business model for developing fee for services programs for pharmacists who participate in offering CE courses. This model will demonstrate dramatically the role that community pharmacies can play in the health care system in decreasing healthcare waste due to medication-related illnesses and hospitalizations.

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  • Applicant:
    Sahar Rashed
    Ph.D, Pharm.D
    Walgreens, Memphis, TN