Grant Title: Community Pharmacy Practice Initiative - Optimization of Drug Therapy Program
Grants Awarded Number
Grant Complete, 2010
University of Michigan College of Pharmacy
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Grant Category
Medication Management, Safety & Quality
MTM Services
Grant Docs
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21289329 | Res Social Adm Pharm | J Am Pharm Assoc
Proposal Aim: The Optimization of Drug Therapy Program ODTP is a medication therapy management service MTMS designed to minimize drug costs to patients and to optimize therapeutic outcomes. The ODTP is being studied within the University of Michigan UM Drug Plan System. The Community Pharmacy Practice Initiative will translate the findings from the University of Michigan program to community pharmacy practice. Objectives: 1. A market analysis will be conducted by surveying community pharmacists and their customers to define the factors necessary to develop a successful business model for the Optimization of Drug Therapy Program in the community pharmacy practice setting. These factors will include: 1.1 Pharmacy characteristics including staffing, pharmacy service design, and profitability revenue, expenses, reimbursement issues. 1.2 Pharmacist interest in providing ODTP services and the training requirements necessary to deliver such services. 1.3 Consumer characteristics including age, household income, health care and prescription drug insurance status, and consumer needs assessment for ODTP services. 2. The results of and experience gained from the internal UM ODTP project will be integrated with the market analysis results to translate the ODTP from a UM drug plan-specific patient care model to an open, community pharmacy-based ODTP model. 3. The community pharmacy-based ODTP will be piloted in a select, representative community pharmacy practice to evaluate its design and implementation and to assess the ability to achieve program goals. 4. A business model and program tools will be developed based on the community pharmacy-based ODTP pilot to guide community pharmacy practice to develop a profitable ODTP to be used for wider dissemination through marketing to drug plans, employers, and cash paying customers.
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  • Applicant:
    Suzan Kucukarslan
    Ph.D., R.Ph.
    University of Michigan College of Pharmacy