Grant Title: Foundation Funding A Roadmap for Pharmacy Investigators
Grants Awarded Number
Grant Complete, 2012
University of Michigan College of Pharmacy
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Grant Category
Profession, Academics & Economics
Foundation Funding
Grant Docs
Large private foundation-funded projects create opportunities to research new models of care, create national research initiatives, and influence public policies related to the delivery and financing of healthcare. While medication use has been studied with the support of such funding, relatively little research has been funded in relation to pharmacists roles in patient care and health promotion. Whether this relative lack of funding is due to foundation priorities or a lack of pursuit by pharmacy investigators is unknown. The overall goal is to understand how research about pharmacists roles may be considered within the large private foundation-funding environment. The specific objectives for this project include 1 investigate the funding patterns of the 10 largest private health foundations in the U.S., 2 assess their funding priorities and recent grant offerings and 3 create a roadmap for heightening the focus on pharmacists services within these foundations. This initiative can highlight opportunities for pursuing pharmacist-related research, and identify new research partners for the delineation of pharmacists roles in patient care and health promotion. This work may also serve to broaden the Community Pharmacy Foundations understanding of its unique role within the private foundation universe.
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