It is well established in the literature that community pharmacy-delivered medication synchronization can improve medication adherence but no data are available describing the impact on healthcare utilization and costs. The aim of the proposed study is to measure the impact of medication synchronization on 1 total healthcare costs, and 2 outpatient, inpatient, and emergency department visits. The intervention sample will consist of a cohort of patients enrolled in a medication synchronization program at community pharmacies in Indiana. A matched comparison cohort will be identified via claims data. We anticipate our findings will serve as a platform for subsequent changes to state and national legislation in regards to a cost-sharing model for patients wanting to have their medication synchronized at community pharmacies. Therefore, this work is well-positioned to highlight and advance the role of community pharmacists.
Margie Snyder
PharmD MPH
Purdue University College of Pharmacy
Team Member:
Wendy Lantaff
Purdue University College of Pharmacy
Team Member:
Alan Zillich
Pharm.D., FCCP
Purdue University College of Pharmacy
Team Member:
Heather Jaynes
Purdue University
Team Member:
Matthew Murawski
BSPharm PhD