Grant Title: Standard of Care and Transforming Pharmacy Practice: A Roadmap for Community Pharmacists and State Associations
Grants Awarded Number
In Study
Iowa Pharmacy Association
Des Moines, Iowa
Grant Category
Pharmacy Management & Ownership
Standard of Care
Grant Docs
Iowa is the third state to adopt a standard of care regulatory framework, following Idaho and Alaska. This significant shift took IPA 7 years to achieve through policy and legislative advocacy. With the new framework in place, IPA desires to provide leadership and create building blocks for pharmacists in our state to transform practice in this new framework, as well as create a toolkit for other state associations to effectively pursue passage of similar legislation. This is a "Future-Ready" project to equip states and practitioners to advance the standard-of-care framework, which removed administrative burdens and allows for practice flexibility based on each site, geography, and training and expertise. This project will also support preparation for value-based payment and provider status and will provide evidence to support submission for larger federal grants and or multi-year grants. Objectives: Create a roadmap to guide other state associations in implementing a Standard of Care framework in their states, from start to finish. Details for the SOC Symposium will be shared as part of this roadmap. IPA will seek to collaborate with NABP, NASPA and AACP in dissemination of such toolkit. Host a high-impact Standard of Care Symposium that will bring together pharmacy professionals from all practice settings from across the state to educate, support and address the impact of the Standard of Care on all pharmacy practice settings. Community pharmacists that attend the Symposium will leave with a roadmap to understand new opportunities and templates for evolving their pharmacy practice. Convene a Standard of Care Working Group to guide development of comprehensive Standard of Care resources, including continuing education (CE) plans and modules, webinars and supportive materials to guide pharmacists practicing in community pharmacy. Resources will include templates for pharmacists and community pharmacies, including sample job descriptions and policy and procedures.
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  • Applicant:
    Kellie Staiert
    Iowa Pharmacy Association