The Community Pharmacy Foundation in its first two years of operation since announcing its policies and procedures to receive projects for funding consideration has awarded approximately $1 million for 22 grant proposals and special projects.
The Foundation considers proposals that advance patient care and demonstrate the value of services rendered by community pharmacists. The procedure by which colleges of pharmacy, community pharmacists, pharmacy associations and other interested persons can submit proposals for funding consideration is detailed on the Foundations website at www.communitypharmacyfoundation.org
"The 22 proposals funded to date include projects associated with various disease state management programs conducted by community pharmacists, special patient care services being developed in community pharmacies, several community pharmacy practice-assist endeavors, and various pharmacy economic analysis projects designed to advance community pharmacy as the profession strives to meet todays challenges and opportunities," said Foundation President Phil Burgess.
The Foundations Board of Directors is composed of two chain pharmacy executives, Burgess of Walgreens and Carlos Ortiz of CVS; two independent community pharmacists, Lonnie Hollingsworth of Texas and Bob Osterhaus of Iowa; and retired federal judge of Illinois Frank McGarr. Louis Sesti, former executive director of the Michigan Pharmacists Association, serves as the Foundations Administrator.
A detailed listing of the 22 proposals currently funded by the Community Pharmacy Foundation is posted on the Foundations website in the News & Bulletins Section.
Practicing community pharmacists with a practice idea but without grant-writing experience may contact the Foundation through its website to obtain technical assistance in preparing an application for funding consideration.
During calendar 2002 operations the Foundation received 46 grant applications from colleges of pharmacy, 23 from individual chain pharmacists, 18 from independent community pharmacists and numerous others from a variety of organizations and individuals.
The Community Pharmacy Foundation is an organization whose primary purpose is to assist community pharmacy practitioners by encouraging and fostering the development of new capabilities and continuous improvements in the delivery of patient care.