Grant Title: Development of an Economic Model and Return on Investment Tool to Support Sustainable Community Pharmacy Social Determinant of Health Programs
Community pharmacies are an ideal location for social needs screening and referral programs. In our initial work (Grant #219), we developed and implemented two innovative pharmacy practice models, including the Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) Specialist and Community Health Worker (CHW) program, into different community pharmacy settings. Reimbursement for social needs screening will need to be addressed before widespread adoption. Therefore, applying stakeholders input and developing an economic justification for SDoH screenings in community pharmacies is a priority to expand nationally and sustain these programs. Working alongside the enhanced service network of CPESN-NY, we propose to: 1) develop an economic model using a stakeholder-driven building approach to support national SDoH screening programs in community pharmacies and their payer partners and 2) develop a return-on-investment (ROI) tool designed to help community pharmacies nationwide and their payer partners plan sustainable financial arrangements to deliver social needs screening and referral programs.